Ecole Du Ciel is a manga series written and drawn by Haruhiko Mikimoto, with mecha designs based off of concepts by Yoshinori Sayama, originally published in 2002.
The plot of Ecole Du Ciel takes place in 0085, roughly six years after the events of the original 0079 anime that detailed the "one year war", and two years before the events of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. The story takes place at the Ecole Du Ciel training academy, which is comparable to a modern day military academy. It centers around a young cadet who is known for her rather lackluster skills at piloting a mobile suit, and has past ties to the Principality of Zeon, named Asuna Elmarit.
Here is one of the Mobile Suit designs that we have seen so far, the TGM-79(C), the Training variation of the standard GM-79 Mobile Suit.
I like the design, and it's one of the more unique mobile suit designs I've seen in a while.
If you haven't read this title yet, having only read the first chapter myself I would recommend it as it shows potential.
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