In case you haven't seen the orthos for the design, here are the scematics.
Below are the constraints for the Atlas' poseability I'm going to be using. These angles are hard and fast, with little to no lee-way as I am modeling a walking tank, afterall.
Hip/leg assembly-
Hip joint
45 degrees forwards, 15 degrees back, tilt left/right 15 degrees.
Leg joints
-90 degrees at knee.
Ankle joint
-15 to 20 degrees forwards, 10 degrees back.
-Ankle tilt - 15 degrees to counter act the 15 degree tilt at the hip, left or right.
Upper torso
Torso joint
-45-90 degrees each way, right to left torso twist. (This may change... I have to do extra research for the proper torso twist amount.)
Arm joint
-0 degrees at the shoulder, 15 degrees each way foward & back
-90 degrees at elbow joint. (Gotta be able to recreate the pose seen in the Mechwarrior games)
As of this writing, this whole 1/144 scale Atlas project is all talk at the moment, but if things go as planned I hope to have a 1/285, Classic Battletech scale figure 3D modeled by mid December, with a prototype in hand by the end of January, to get the proportions correct for the large scale version.
After which I will begin modeling the 1/144 scale, poseable version, which will be a long, long way off.
If you'd like to keep up to date with this project, make sure to hit that subscribe button on the right of the page. It'd help me out alot.
See you space Cowboy...